I'll give some good points:
*Plot is really interesting as a girl turns into a monster and she feds herself by eating her brother
*Characters and the 'monster' are nicely drawn
And here are the negative points:
*Episodes last for 4 minutes
*No nice (brutal nor bloody nor creepy) opening which should be in horror
*No effort made towards the background
*(Pace of the anime) Everything goes very quickly (SPOILER: First minute of the anime - She's in the school talking to her brother, while in fourth minute she became a moster.)
*No creepy atmosphere
I once watched a short horror anime (Yami Shibai) which lasted the same and it was 100 times better than this.We will see the next episodes and I hope that it will be much better! Luckily I saw some manga images and I see that at least there's effort done.

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