Every Time I come from school :< |
If anybody is wondering, as my activity on the blog at the moment is atrocious, I won't update as much due to amount of work I will have for school. The routine starts; I just come home, take a break and do my work which takes eternity to FINISH! Now the requirements from teachers are above my ability. Sometimes I think that doing 'A Levels' is not for me, as I realise that I'm not good at anything. Ugh..... I just want to be a freaking graphic designer ;-; Why is life so hard? The worst part is that I swapped intentionally to movie making subject, therfore I need to make a short movie at the end of year. Seriously, I'm just burying my own grave. I'm thinking of doing animated movie ('cause I actually don't want to look for actors, props and surroundings) but it's a lot of fuss.

I need to finish reading D. Gray Man and catch up with shows I started. I will mostly post on weekends if you want to know. Just sayin' as I honestly don't want to abandom enjoyable stuff ;^; Give me back my FREE TIME! Why I can't just 'kiss, kiss, fall in love' and be like Haru (Free!) just
free while having a great future.....
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