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Sunday, October 26, 2014

October Anime Character Birthdays

Birthday Date: 3rd October
Anime: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Info: Ah the anime that really suprised me and this month is the main character's brithday, Madoka. At the start of the anime, I was begging for her to be the freaking magical girl, yet near the end, I just regreted it. The image that I made represets her life as a magical girl, fighting the witches, yet her world/life breakes (broken glass^) and goes towards magical girl destiny and also her own, individual destiny.

 Birthday Date: 10th October
Anime: Shaman King
Info: I really loved her shaman fighting skill and also her character design. She belongs to Tao family adn she always thought that souls are just puppets for the shamans yet her eyes widely opened after she met Yoh. She got to know that ghosts have feelings as well..............
 Birthday Date: 14th October
Anime: Shingeki no Kyojin
Info: I really admire this man. He struggles and works so hard to achieve freedom and happiness for whole humanity, however he must make lots of sacrifices to fullfill these objectives. His hands are covered in blood........ he must be extremely, mentally strong to go straight forward and don't loose faith after the loss of his comerades. The decisions must be right, or the loss will be great.
 Birthday Date: 31st October
Anime: Death Note
Info: The legendary Detective. This anime, for me, is a masterpiece. The fight between Kira and him was extremelly nerve-wrecking and exciting. L's inteligence is beyond me yet he even doesn't look like it.

I had only time for four images. Gomenasai >o<".

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