AD AGED: So you're a CBO. What does that stand for, Chief Business Officer?
CBO: Oh, nothing so prosaic as that. My role is much more nuanced and important.
AD AGED: Please elaborate.
CBO: My exact title is Chief Brilliant Officer.
AD AGED: And what is it that you, as Chief Brilliant Officer, do?
CBO: Well, it's simple really. I spring into action when others of the C-suite are working. If someone "above" me says something, my job is simple.
AD AGED: More specifics, please.
CBO: Say it's a tough, late-night pitch meeting and the CEO says something like "I think we should do a commercial with dancing clowns." My job as CBO is crystal clear. I say "brilliant."
AD AGED: You say brilliant.
CBO: If someone says, "does anyone want to take a coffee break," I say "brilliant." If someone above me presents a media strategy or some creative, I say "brilliant."
AD AGED: Our time is nearly up. Anything else?
CBO: Yes, if the situation is really dire, that's when I really earn my keep.
AD AGED: Yes...
CBO: That's when I say "brilliant," but with an English accent.
AD AGED: Brilliant.
CBO: Cheers.
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