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Friday, September 22, 2017

Stranger in a strange land.

“George,” she said standing over my desk, oblivious to the fact that I was typing and in the middle of a thought.

“George,” she insisted. “We need you in 14B. There’s a big ecosystem meeting now, we’re discussing if we can retarget our target without initially targeting them.”

“I’d love to go,” I lied, “but I’m in the middle of writing some copy. I promised it to the client at 2.” It was about 1:15.

“We really need you,” she said, turning on the charm. “We’re having a new sprint and the scrum needs you to help iterate.”

“Look,” I began, but she cut me off.

“The stakeholders are backlog grooming and we need a daily standup to fail fast and avoid feature creep.”

“Speaking of creeps,” I said, but again she cut me off.

“C’mon,” she said, fairly tugging at me. “Look at this Kanban, or is it a Scrumban? Anyway, look at it on your way downstairs. We need to swarm and story-map before we get time-boxed.”

We were in the elevator now, heading down to 14B, when fortunately the elevator stopped. The doors opened on 9.

“Listen,” I said, stepping off, “I have a 407 in 8219 and will catch up later. Ping me on the 9270 and I’ll ying-yang on the knick-knack.”

The doors shut, and I walked up the steps to my desk. And I sat down to finish my copy.


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